Saturday, December 29, 2018

Learning 633 and 63641

Both of these were hard work for me to get going. 3 months back I didn't have a chance to get past a few rounds so gave up but now I've improved. Anyway just as the pattern threatens to become stable the 6's want to go somewhere they shouldn't. 633 feels like it would just click and become easy (one day soon?!).

 Next time at the Areteland hill it felt like it had clicked. Now I can say that after initial brainstrain I really LIKE this PATTERN.

Trying to learn 63641 also but after watching this it seems that after the first throw it's more like


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Cheat'N'box journey

 Cheat,N,Box. I didn't want to practise N-Box as it's one sided and hard to do but then I found this way to make it symmetrical and easier also. After training this for some (quite long) time Drop box feels good also...
 Bursted box also starting to feel a bit better but can't make the back throw 1's airborn. Everybody who learns this thing has a different way to make the pattern but there is always interest in different ways to improve.

Is this closer to a real N-Box?

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Grasping throw [11]

Why like this [11] or [2x2x] throw?
Not so much catching for me with these Russian balls but more of a grasping 'Slamstuff' into the other hand as fast as possible.
I thought this is a RETARDED throw at first but now with interesting patterns it seems to have gained some value.  Could also have some 'sleight of hand' or comedy potential....
See yea all 4 ball boxes are hard work but this one is super chilled out and IS technically a 4 ball box.Haha! (comedy bit). The second pattern is actually good fun 524[11][54]51
 First pattern, like a shower for 2 passes then changing direction 25[22]5[11][54]1
Then stacks on each side with [44]244[11]
[54][11][52]2 funny and the funky [44][54]12 both one sided (boohiss) and quite easy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

4 balls (6,4x) patterns

For some reason I like this more than it's seemingly more popular sister throw (6x,4). However I'm finding it tricky to get any things properly running so I can only take comfort in the fact that the more of this I do the easier it will be to learn the 5 ball classic later. Even so these are great patterns in themselves.
First pattern is (6,4x)(2x,4)*
The next is even harder for me but I think it's more similar to (so better practise for) the 5 ball model.
It's (6,4x)(4x,6)(4,0)*
The next one (6,4x)(2x,6)(2x,4x)* I think could only 'Double Qualify' also (new phrase learned today, like it a lot) but felt good.

Friday, December 14, 2018


Now that I've learned a few cross handed and under the wrist type patterns I start to realize just how many possible variations there are to do. These three patterns are from recent favorites.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sunset "Nice Juggling" place

Beautiful (mostly) quiet place to practise in the afternoons in the shadow of some big mango trees.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Burst Sliced Shuffle

On waking up in the morning I had the idea so put together bits of 3 different patterns I've learned recently (Burst box, Luke's shuffle, sliced multiplex) and got this.
 I never learn tricks that I haven't watched somebody do or at least on jugglelab so maybe my brain is changing!

Monday, December 10, 2018

6 balls multiplex [54][52]2

I was searching for 'Through the [54]' type patterns and this seemed like a good way to make it every time on both sides. But it's with 6 balls. Anyway the similar 5 ball patterns seemed harder especially the one I was attempting which was the brilliant looking [54]51.
This one is [54][52]2 and also really good.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Experimenting with ([6x4],4)

A fun '3up' throw to try different things with.
Best pattern so far is symmetrical ([6x4],4)(6,0)(4x,2x)(4x,2)* it (sometimes) feels flowing and nice with the 4x's following each way.
Changing the single 6 for 6x which follows the other 6x then box throws gives  (2,4x)([6x4],4)(6x,0)(4,2x)* 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Impossible Throws? - [42x] or [41]

 When I first saw this throw I thought this is unlikely for me if not impossible. I mean what type of outrageous hand movements would be required to throw a 4 and a 1 at the very same moment? When I tried quickly it also didn't make any sense.

 Then later in the night I had it, that ah haa moment. I was quite dense to not realize it earlier but of course you are just throwing a [43] but claw snatching the 3 before it has a chance to become really airborne thereby quickly turning it into a 1. That was a great revelation to me  (simple things please sometimes). Yea well Jugglelab doesn't teach you that bit!
 Now I discovered it's a great throw with lots of potential. One of the good symmetrical patterns so far with 4 balls is this (6,[42x])(4x,2x)(2,4x)*.
An interesting idea is to put a normal box throw straight after the [42x]
One way to manage this is instead of throwing the 6 with the [42x] I make it a high tennis like crossing throw so a 6x. The same ball will be the 6x as you juggle the pattern with all the throws  going on underneath. It's (6x,[42x])(4,2x)(2,4x)*
Today I found out this throw is called a 'Slice multiplex' so this pattern is like 'Slice tennis Box' somehow in that order.
Otherwise for a box type thing you could throw a 6 with the slice then a (6,2x) to get a good fast pattern with no crossing throws except the 2x so more really 'boxlike'.
Also the best more simple warm up patterns to get going are these. 
3 balls (4x,2)(0,[42x])(4,2x)*
4 balls (4,[42x])(2,4x)*
Box like thing with 6's - (6,[42x])(6,2x)(2,2)* or 26[41]61 but think I'm trying the sync version.

Great thing to get solid smooth. Now I binge learn a lot of classic things a bit then choice the best ones to nail properly. This is one of them.
But how to do 5 balls with slices?

So if you add a [42x] on each side of a 'Burst box' what do you get? You collect the 2 for the multiplex throw while doing the under wrist throw in a type of 'Bursting Slice Box' ?
I like it.

5 balls
Easiest I can think of to try it out is 52[44][41] which is explosive and good but one sided. Feels like I might be doing it in more of a sync mode anyway so trying to do everything at the same time as ([44],[42x])(4x,2)
 I'm not very natural at sync juggling but with this throw it has strangely just happened like that. 

Now to get it going on the other side then gatecrash a superb symmetrical version!

Shower Type of....
Meanwhile even though I'm not that keen on training one sided patterns (left hand is bad enough without reinforcing it) I had to make an exception for this one also as it's a slice multiplex on EVERY throw.